How to live a passionate life

Connect with your passions and your true self

In these 2 x 2 hr sessions you will go through a simple, yet profound process that will support you to  live your dreams. You will get super clear on what you most love and feel moved to do, be or have at this point in your life.’

The Passion Test was created by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood who wrote a NY Times bestselling book ‘The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose’.

I am a certified Passion Test facilitator and Master Trainer and have been trained by Janet. Get ready to move from a place of anxiety, stuckness, confusion or doubt to a place of happiness, clarity, confidence and action.

From my experience of using this tool the last eight years, some people make big changes as a result of getting clear on their passions e.g. – starting their own successful companies, quitting their job and travelling the world, finding the love of their life, making award winning films… and others make smaller more incremental changes e.g. they focus on their health more and start new hobbies, some focus on improving their creativity or they report as a result of going through the process they spend more time with their partner and feel much more confident and happy in themselves.”

One-to-One Coaching

Living in another country is an opportunity to redefine your life

In these 8 x 1.5 hr online coaching sessions you will clarify what you want in different areas of your life, understanding why you want those things – and look at your bigger WHY in the world. Based on this we then design a plan for you to start taking action immediately in creating your ideal life.

Whatever stage you are at – whether you’re just about to move, you’ve recently moved or you’ve lived overseas for months or years, if it feels like there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be, then now is the time to start creating the life you love.

This specific coaching package was designed as a result of taking clients through The Passion Test and some of them requesting additional longer-term follow up support, coaching and accountability to help them to take the actions needed to get the results they were looking for.


An online course on how to create a life you love

This online programme is designed for you to shift from doubt, confusion and anxiety to confidence, clarity, peace of mind and action. These videos and downloadable action sheets will leave you with a clear map of steps for you to take in order to create the life of your dreams while being deeply connected to yourself and your deepest desires.

The programme is designed for you to deepen your awareness of yourself, so that you can bring to the conscious level those beliefs, those assumptions, those thoughts and patterns that have held you back in the past. It’s about reflecting back on the last 12 months and looking at what worked for you and what could be improved, looking at the unmet goals you have set in the past (or dreams you have been harbouring) and addressing those reasons you haven’t yet achieved them, redefining your goals and making them happen!

This online course is filled with practical exercises to reinvigorate your life.


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