The Passion Test

2 x 2 hr one-to-one live online sessions

How to live a passionate life

If you’ve been feeling anxious, stuck, lost and like something has to change but you aren’t quite sure what…then you’re not alone. These feelings are often magnified when you are living in a different country, grappling with a different culture, perhaps a different language and a whole different style of living. Regardless of how long you have lived somewhere, whether you’ve lived away for a while and then returned ‘home’ or if you are someone who doesn’t quite feel at home in your own skin, if you are at a crossroads having a hard time figuring out what next, feeling confused and unsure where to focus and what to put your energy on, I get it. I’ve been there and so have countless others that I have worked with.

The Passion Test is an incredibly powerful tool to help you in these circumstances to move from uncertainty and confusion to a place of happiness with absolute clarity, confidence and action.

Designed by my mentor Janet Bray Attwood (featured in the picture above) and her business partner Chris Attwood, The Passion Test is a simple, yet profound process to support you to live your dreams.

Take a moment now to consider, what would be ideal for you in different areas of your life, from relationships to where you live and what you do, to who and how you love, what you create, how you best serve others while serving your best interests?

What would your life look like if you were living your life’s purpose and focusing on the things that you are most passionate about? You would most likely feel inspired, energised and purpose-filled. However, for many of us, we are so accustomed to going about our life in autopilot, that we haven’t necessarily stopped to ask ourselves – what am I most passionate about? What is my purpose?

As a a certified Passion Test facilitator and Master Trainer, and having worked extremely closely with Janet over the years, I feel extremely blessed to have learned so much from her about living a passionate life and supporting others to do the same.


Taking The Passion Test with me involves 2 x 2 hr one-to-one sessions online, these are typically one or two weeks apart. There is some pre-work for you to complete before the first session and some pre-work for you to do in-between session 1 and session 2. There will also be a short follow up call a couple of weeks after the second session.


  • Your Top 5 Passions – identifying your top 5 passions in priority order is the first step to living a passionate life.
  • Your Passion Scores – scoring your passions in your life as it is now shows you how closely your life is currently aligned with your passions.
  • Passion Cards – these provide you with daily guidance on what to focus on in your life.
  • Your Markers – these are the specific examples that you create under each passion to let you know when you are living your passions and to give you a very clear idea on where you want to get to.
  • Learn the formula and the secret to living a passionate life – so that you can consistently live a passionate life.
  • Tools – you will learn tools both on how to live a passionate life and how to overcome obstacles in your life.

The thing I find extremely powerful about this process is that it gets people to be really honest with themselves about what deeply matters to them and how they want their life to be. People are able to move away from that space of thinking about what they ‘should’ be doing or how their lives ‘should’ be because of what feels logical, or what they are good at, what they have been doing for years or what others think is right for them, and move into what feels right for them at a deep level. And once they have identified those things they then provide a blueprint and a guide by which to live a life that lights them up and brings them joy, energy and passion.


Jane Spivey

I met Katie when I was living in Madrid and running my own small business.

​I was quite happy at the time and I wasn’t really looking for any change, but I still thought it would be interesting to do the Passion Test. Before I did the course, I’d planned to grow my business and stay in Spain, but after going through the stages of the course I actually realised that ​I had this desire to be part of something much bigger and more international, with an opportunity to travel. I couldn’t get rid of this feeling in my gut and in the end I decided that, after over three years in Madrid, I wanted to move back to London. Fortunately, I found someone to buy my business and I returned to London. Within six weeks I found my ideal job with an electric car startup, which I love, and I’m enjoying a lot of international travel.

Doing the Passion Test really allows you to dig deep and find out what you want. Katie was amazing during the course and also in our follow up session afterwards. She is very natural and has such a positive energy. She helps you find the answers that are already there, without you even realising that you’re doing it, and she also gives you the tools to do this yourself in the future.

I can’t recommend her or the course enough and the way everything has worked out since, I have no doubt that it put me on the right path.

Oihana Basilio

Thanks to Katie, I made my deepest desires and dreams conscious and they became a compass to guide me in my daily life…as a result, I started taking decisions that got me in the right direction towards those dreams. As a consequence (and work in progress) many things in my life have changed, from a more balanced work-personal life relation and its amazing effect on my energy level, to resuming my relationship with music and many other small and big changes over the last years. Having a compass that marks and reminds me my own north has been very helpful and clarifying. As a result, I have collaborated in the recording of a music album that will be soon released, playing the accordion, I have written a book with short stories, drawings and poems, that will be soon published and I have made other dreams come true, even in my personal relationships!

Madineyah Isaacs

I’m Madineyah Isaacs, New York City based, personal mastery coach and leadership facilitator from South Africa.

Although always clear on my goals and life vision, before working with Katie I did not know my top 5 life passions.

It was an extraordinary discovery and I found it really beneficial.

Working with Katie helped me to prioritize my passions, gain clarity on what makes me most fulfilled and live in alignment with that. When I feel stuck at times (yes, even coaches feel stuck at times) I always refer back to my sessions with her and the work we covered to get back to center.

Besides Katie coaching me, I have had the privileged to coach with her on transformational courses as well. She is a dynamic life transformer, passionate and deeply committed to not only her clients growth but also her own.

I wholeheartedly recommend working with her to gain clarity on your vision, move from overwhelm to freedom and if you want to be a better version of yourself.

Get clear on your top five passions and
start living a life that lights you up from today

€595 (incl. tax)