Hannah Marsden

I’m Hannah Marsden…I work with a children’s charity in Bristol United Kingdom, with young people aged 11-19 on relationships, confidence, self-esteem and other issues. I am also a researcher and evaluator in the same organisation.
Working with Katie was fantastic. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her for her coaching and Passion Test work.
Although I had a sense of what was really important to me in life, working with Katie helped me to sit with these ideas, refine them, prioritise them, and reframe my life around them. I would go as far as to say I was a little lost in the months before the process, with lots of ideas, but feeling like I was somehow not able to get on with things or live life passionately. I was at a bit of turning point where I needed to refresh ideas of where I wanted to go and what I wanted to prioritise at home and in work, and the process was supremely valuable.
Since working with Katie, I’ve had more confidence to pursue my career in working with young people, and developing my skills and knowledge in other areas. The process helped to restore my faith in the little magic of the universe. The process helped me to take small steps and eventually things started moving and happening and before I knew it I was feeling bright, energetic and somehow on the right path for me. Katie helped me to see past barriers and think outside of the box, and also to act independently for my own life.
Whilst from a work perspective this was great, but the experience also highlighted areas to me that are hugely important that somehow I’d always neglect, and the process helped to change my perspective -I now feel less guilty about prioritising my other big passions and things that make me feel good outside of work (e.g. relationships, family, creative pursuits).
Katie also talked to me during some big changes and transitions, and also some scary events in my life. She approached these with compassion, an amazing ability to ask questions without causing upset, and with a magical essence which helped me see the truth to some matters and move forward with a renewed perspective.


When I met Katie a year and a half ago, I felt trapped, aimless and really frustrated. I had chronic anxiety and I was really unsatisfied with my career, but I didn’t know what I would rather be doing with my life. What I really lacked was clarity –I knew I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere without it, but I didn’t know how to find it.
Previously I had a really negative experience with a very expensive coach, so when I first met Katie I was quite sceptical. However, one day she offered a half-day group Passion Test workshop, and it was there that she won me over with her enthusiasm, kindness and empathy. I could tell that she was genuinely passionate and talented at helping others find the “spark that lights you up,” so I signed up to do the full Passion Test with her, as well as one-to-one coaching sessions.
Thanks to Katie, not only did I find clarity, I realised that I have known that I’m passionate about filmmaking for years now, but I was just afraid to own it, to say it out loud, and to pursue it head on.
In the following months, I wrote and directed my first short film, which was named best experimental film, and was screened at more than ten festivals around the world, and started working on a documentary.
Most recently, I quit my job to pursue directing full time, and just two days later, I found out that the documentary I’ve been working on was picked up by a major broadcaster – which means I’m now a paid director, and my first feature film will appear on their network! It still feels a bit surreal.
Working with Katie has had a real and profound impact on my life, and I will be forever grateful for the clarity, encouragement, focus and strength she has shared with me.

jane Spivey

I met Katie when I was living in Madrid and running my own small business.
I was quite happy at the time and I wasn’t really looking for any change, but I still thought it would be interesting to do the Passion Test. Before I did the course, I’d planned to grow my business and stay in Spain, but after going through the stages of the course I actually realised that I had this desire to be part of something much bigger and more international, with an opportunity to travel. I couldn’t get rid of this feeling in my gut and in the end I decided that, after over three years in Madrid, I wanted to move back to London. Fortunately, I found someone to buy my business and I returned to London. Within six weeks I found my ideal job with an electric car startup, which I love, and I’m enjoying a lot of international travel.
Doing the Passion Test really allows you to dig deep and find out what you want. Katie was amazing during the course and also in our follow up session afterwards. She is very natural and has such a positive energy. She helps you find the answers that are already there, without you even realising that you’re doing it, and she also gives you the tools to do this yourself in the future.
I can’t recommend her or the course enough and the way everything has worked out since, I have no doubt that it put me on the right path.

Kat Davies

Katie’s passion for this work shines through her facilitation and guidance of the process. When I worked with Katie, I had an idea of what I wanted yet I found it challenging to get really specific about what exactly was important to me and how I would know when I was living my passions. With the help of Katie’s intuition, experience, presence and non-judgmental approach I was able to tap into and get really clear about my passions. I now feel excited and lit up about my future. I would highly recommend Katie to anyone who wants to live an ideal life …

Madineyah Isaacs

I’m Madineyah Isaacs, New York City based, personal mastery coach and leadership facilitator from South Africa.
Although always clear on my goals and life vision, before working with Katie I did not know my top 5 life passions.
It was an extraordinary discovery and I found it really beneficial.
Working with Katie helped me to prioritize my passions, gain clarity on what makes me most fulfilled and live in alignment with that. When I feel stuck at times (yes, even coaches feel stuck at times) I always refer back to my sessions with her and the work we covered to get back to center.
Besides Katie coaching me, I have had the privilege to coach with her on transformational courses as well. She is a dynamic life transformer, passionate and deeply committed to not only her clients growth but also her own.
I wholeheartedly recommend working with her to gain clarity on your vision, move from overwhelm to freedom and if you want to be a better version of yourself.

Jenny Clift

I am a Transformational Money and Career Coach and I attended one of Katie’s workshops using The Passion Test. I would highly recommend this to anyone searching for clarity and inspiration in both their personal and professional life.
As a fellow coach I had heard of Janet Atwood’s Passion Test, but the process far surpassed my expectations. The workshop, led so charmingly by (a heavily pregnant!) Katie, was a revelation. In the course of an afternoon I had my ideas turned upside-down, completely rearranged and replaced with a new sense of purpose and motivation.
The actual process – working in pairs with Katie hovering close by to support and encourage – was fascinating; comparing self-created ‘Ideal life’ statements with the use of pointed questions. From this we were each able to uncover our top 5 passions and then were given a plan for how to implement them in our lives (with follow-up personalized support from Katie.)
Katie Chalcraft is both empathetic and authoritative. She obviously walks her talk and has the ability to challenge and encourage at the same time – all with down to earth humour and friendliness. I look forward to working more with her in the future.